Starting 2024 with Jesus The Entrepreneur

“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” (Jeremiah 29:7 NIV)

Person in Swiss mountains

Fifteen entrepreneurs joined our first prayer hub to seek the Lord Jesus about the ventures in our community and the companies in Geneva.

During our time of prayer, Jesus specifically led us to pray for and decree the alignment of companies in Geneva and Switzerland—with His heart and mind.

Too often, companies are exploitative. Brands and stories play to customer fears and desire for status. Business models pursue profit at the expense of people and creation. Products and services are designed to be addictive and fleeting. This business culture permeates why we build, how we build and what we build.

However, “the way things are done around here” is ripe for reset. Jesus wants to release His way of doing business in our city and nation. He’s calling us to align with Him and receive His resources to love our neighbor. Not to live for self, but to die to self. Not to use people, but to bless people. Not to exploit culture, but to renew culture.

In the words of the prophet Isaiah, we say “Here I am. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8). And we extend the following prayer of blessing and alignment for your entrepreneurial journey in 2024:

We come before You, Jesus, in humility and gratitude, seeking alignment with Your will through the guidance of Your Spirit.

We surrender our thoughts, desires and actions to be in harmony with Your teachings.

Jesus, we invite Your presence to permeate every aspect of our projects and companies.

Grant us the strength to walk in Your footsteps, the wisdom to discern Your path, and the love to reflect Your grace to others.

This year, may my prayers and plans align with the purpose You have set for me.

Let our hearts be vessels for Your divine light, and may our actions be a testament to Your transformative power.

In the name of Jesus, we pray for guidance, alignment, and the grace to live a life that reflects Your glory.
